Ingredients. en México de la tienda en línea Mane Mexico, S.A. de C.V. | Comprar Ingredients. México (México) | Mane Mexico, S.A. de C.V. : Allbiz
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Mane Mexico, S.A. de C.V.
+52 (55) 553-275-31
  • Ingredients.


For four generations, MANE has transmitted its principles and know-how and invested in capital intensive technologies to bring the best of what Nature can provide. Because we believe that one cannot create quality flavors and fragrances without using the best grades of natural products. It is those grades of unparalleled quality that MANE provides to its own Flavor and Fragrance designers around the world, and consequently to its consumer goods customers. Our natural products are produced in our Bar sur Loup (France), Burdur (Turkey), Hyderabad (India) plants and from remote parts of the world where we have transferred technology and know-how and entered into partnerships with local producers. Our Bar sur Loup plant is equipped with the latest technologies to perform efficient and clean chemistry on a variety of substrates to provide innovative and cost-efficient aroma chemicals that provide the sensory benefits the consumers desire.
La información es válida: 06.04.2013

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Precio increíble de Ingredients. en México (México) de la empresa Mane Mexico, S.A. de C.V..
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